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                    Bear Cubs

Cub Scouts are open to boys and girls aged between 8 and 10 1/2 years old, 1st Gillingham Scout Group has one Cub Pack who meet every week during term time. The Pack offer fun, adventure and the opportunity to make new friends, whilst advancing themselves in a safe, secure environment. They are run by a specialist team of Cub Scout Leaders who are equally supported by young Scout Leaders. Some of the activities the children and young people enjoy are, canoeing, archery, shooting, photography, orienteering and of course, camping!

  • Bear Cub Pack meets on a Wednesday evening between 6:30pm and 8:00pm

Cubs has a more formal structure than Beavers, the Cubs are helped and encouraged to work towards achieving badges based on their own personal interests and goals. Each Pack plays an active role in deciding on its programme of events and what activities the young people want to do.

A 3 week trial period is offered to any child or young person who is thinking of becoming a Cub Scout.

If you would like to know more about Cubs in Gillingham, please do get in touch.

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